Invitation to attend and participate at the Stakeholders Conference on the proposed acquisition of shares in Schwenk Namibia PTY Ltd (Ohorongo Cement) by West China Cement Ltd (WCC):
The Commission hereby invites stakeholders to attend a stakeholders’ conference in terms of Section 46(1) of the Competition Act No.2 of 2003, that will be held on 9 July 2020, at 10h00 – 13h00 at the Namibian Competition Commission Offices, Windhoek.
The proposed transaction involves the acquisition by WCC of the 100% of the issued share capital of Schwenk Namibia and the acquisition of all claims held by the seller against Schwenk Namibia.
Stakeholders are encouraged to make verbal or written submissions on the proposed merger before or at the conference. Please be advised that due to Covid-19 attendance will be restricted and interested stakeholders must confirm their attendance with Ms. Gloria Situmbeko at 061-224622 or email: on or before Conference date.
For further queries kindly contact:
Mr. Johannes Ashipala
Director: Mergers and Acquisitions Division
Tel: 061-224622